Friday, December 25, 2009


I got exactly what I have been praying to Dog for all year! 14 inches of snow with another 6-9 expected by tomorrow morning. Exciting.

I thought I would grace you all with some of my better impressions I can do as my gift to you.

First off, does a Bear Doodie in the woods, I think so.

This is my impression of Valentines day.

I'm an Ostrich



Gene Simmons


I also got this bone, meat still attached, this morning. Time for me to go NOMNOM on it. Have a good Christmas all.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I am getting super excited for Christmas, I hope I get lots of good stuff. I already got a Buffalo esophagus the other day as a warm up, it was quite delicious and has me excited for the rest of my goods.

Anyways todays daily pics.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


How exciting. Neways I got to go to the park today, frolicked, caused mayhem. It was fun. I also drive the womens wild. Every week we go to get coffee after our walkies and the ladies at the coffee shop go crazy over me, I get treats and they tell me how cute I am constantly.

Anyways the daily pictars.

My ostrich impression.

I look ferocious.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I really hate my feets. Snow and junk keeps getting crammed up in my toesies and I have to stop playing every few minutes to eat my feet off and get the crud out of them. They dont make any of those stupid boots big enough for me, total suckage. Neways it was cold today, short walkies, had fun tho.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today was perfect for Mr Pants to be outdoors. 28 balmy degrees, windy, and just down right cold. Havent seen my girlfriend for like 2 weeks now, the bitch is probably cheating on me. This is what I get for dating white chicks. Also the snow makes crap stick in my hairy hobbit feets, which totally sucks even with the tiny bits of snow we have. That means I have to get a hair cut tomorrow, lame. I will piss on the groomers floor to show them a thing or two.

Anyways here I am with a Giant Schnauzer, he aint so giant.

They think I cant jump, but I can.